Gen 2

Chapter 2.2

Hello! And welcome back to my Name Game challenge! We start things off with our unfortunate twin hanging out with Azriel.

… I literally have no idea how I’m going to handle this. Because with the twins, that puts us at AT LEAST 7 kids.


WELL that’s a problem for a future Mojo!

Current Mojo is ready to expand the family lol

Annnnnnd we’re expecting!

Also, if you remember, Aiden was off exploring the world at the end of last chapter.

And he’s slowly making his way home lol

Azriel got a promotion! Woo!

Awe, that’s cute! I don’t remember ever seeing that before! How fun!

Andreja is the first infant I’ve ever had that learned to stand!

Oh hunny… that’s not a great place to sleep…

Axel left his job and Ryker adopted a baby! Welcome to the fam, Krysta!

nooooooo! Niko! I’m not ready!

*cries hysterically*

And right before Aziz’s birthday!

And we said good-bye to Aziz. Sorry your dad missed it

Poor Clara is not handling the loss of Niko really well. They really were soulmates! I guess it’s a good thing that Clara won the Bachelor!

It’s cake day for the twins! (finally…)

Xenon! We’re trying to age up the twins! Calm down!

It’s a girl! And a SINGLE girl! Woohoo! Everyone meet Zoey!

I love that she’s got the blue vampire skin from Azriel lol

Here are the twins after their toddler makeovers now that I was finally able to get to them lol

(I peaked at them as young adults… I have no idea how y’all are gonna pick an heir, I’m just sayin’)

And since we have more letters to get to, we wasted no time in trying for another baby

Oooooo! And now Azriel like physical intimacy!



Axel got a new job! Nice!

noooooooooooooooooooooooo Clara died!

She was just too heartbroken with the loss of Niko, she just couldn’t go on


Too keep the family portraits organized easily, I made a basement lol Also, Niko and Clara get super big photos as the founders lol

A+ building skillz man

Ryker was over at the house visiting and now Andreja and Ryker have a supportive dynamic.


It was like 1600 simoleons! holy moly!

Oh ew.

*deletes in secret*

……….We have a dirty pan that we can’t seem to get clean… they won’t wash it and I can’t throw it away…

They just keep putting it on the stove when I tell them to clean it up lol

I ended up just selling it in build mode

Ryker quit his job. I wonder what he’s gonna do all day

Zoey aged up! Look at how cute she is!

Don’t get used to the blonde hair… She’ll be going blue as soon as possible lol

Looks like another charitable donation for one of my sims!

We are just such giving people

Listen, I know you two are twins, but geez! You can give each other a little space now and then!

Aiden can poop on his own lol

These two are LITERALLY always together lol

Not Xenon playing with knives while the toddlers are stuck in their high chairs

Ryker adopted a kiddo! Welcome to the fam, Soren!

I know it’s kinda hard to see, but Niko decided that on his first night of haunting, that he was just gonna break all of our plumbing.

And just a note on ghosts for those of you following the whole achievement challenge: I don’t want ghost to clog up my save, so the ghosts will only be around until the next heir dies and then their spirits will be released and the graves moved to a grave yard.

oh my god that is so cute! Annoying IRL, but so cute in the sims lol! Just look at that cute little moodlet face!

……………….It’s a good thing that baby is in her crib. I can’t be having you PISS all over your child. This isn’t my Pokémon baby challenge.

We had to haul the easels back out since someone needs the painting skill for her career and I keep forgetting about it


Zoey is NOT impressed….

I’m so sorry your mom can’t pee when I tell her too

Yeah, I would be squeamish too after my wife pees on our infant



Anyway, it’s baby time.

Another target for the pee queen

And it’s another girl! Welcome to the family, Roxy! I love the vampire skin on you as well!

Hey! Ryker got himself a new job!

Clara made us food! THANK YOU!

….she’s also hogging our easels….

This is why they were put away in the first place lol

oh my god, I’ve never seen this before! Oh this is so cool! How adorable!

End of the rotation comes along and Xenon is still at work and the rest of the family is just hanging around doing things.

Riveting stuff lol

Join us next time for some birthdays, probably more peeing accidents, and definitely more babies!


Family Check-In!

This is Talon Hawkins, Chris’ (rip) Oldest

And then there’s his sister Camila

And the youngest of Chris’ kids, Adalyn

Then there’s Lexi’s (rip) kiddo, Raphael

And they all live with Axel and his daughter, Annie

They also have a cat named Bandido

This kid is Soren! He’s the oldest of Ryker’s kids!

And here’s Ryker with his youngest kiddo, Krysta!

And then there’s Aziz, who’s more than happy to just hang out in Britechester all by himself.