Gen 1

Chapter 1.1

Hello! And welcome to my Name Game challenge! And if you look closely at our founders, you’ll recognize them! That’s Niko from my bachelor challenge and the winner, Clara! I thought this was the perfect challenge for them to head up!

Now, for challenge things. Since we technically have 2 founders, I’m only going to use one name for this generation. And I’ve decided on Clara’s name since it’s longer, but it is less points. Just to kind of even things out.

Also, if you read my bachelor challenge, you’ll know that it was a vampire bachelor challenge. Well, I didn’t want to do a vampire name game, so I did make them regular sims again. No vampires here!

First order of business was to get them married since they just ended the bachelor challenge with a proposal.

But now they’re officially hitched!

Since they’ll need some way to earn money, we get them jobs right away

Niko joined the writer career and Clara joined the painter career. Just something easy give them something to do.

And since this challenge is all about kids, we got started right away with the babies!

We unlocked our first achievement!

Clara gets started on her painting. And Niko just can’t leave her alone. Nice to see nothing has changed from the Bachelor challenge lol

Also, if the house looks familiar, this is the lot where my ISBI started! *sighs* So much has changed in that family…

Monday morning, we discovered that Clara is indeed pregnant! Baby C is on the way!

Poor Niko is sick. It doesn’t look good

Clara has quite the range of colors for emotions at the moment! Anger from the pregnancy, Uncomfortable from an illness, Tense from her jealousy trait, and happy from the pregnancy lol

Had just enough money to buy a cheap computer and desk. Now Niko can work on his writing skill!

Clara got a promotion!

We expanded the living room and kitchen a little bit.

Which was really a mistake since it left us with only 28 simoleons…

Morning sickness is not Clara’s friend for this first pregnancy…

Wednesday evening saw Niko bring home his first promotion! Nice to not be broke for the moment

We unlocked our second achievement!

Man, we’ve unlocked more in 3.5 days in this house than in a whole week in the Legend house.

Today is the day that the baby is supposed to arrive. And if I timed it right, it would have happened while Clara was at work. So we took a family leave day.

She needs it anyway. Her needs are not ready for work lol

Sure enough, 9am hit and she went into labor lol

And we were off to the hospital!

Niko doesn’t look super excited about the operation table.

Me neither dude. Me neither

And it’s a boy! Welcome to the family, Chris!

We got back by 11:30, so we sent Clara off to work anyway

Clara has stolen all these decorations from work lol thanks for the free money, Clara!

Yeah, she has the kleptomaniac trait. I forgot about that lol

Which is fine, because that gave us extra money to purchase a better bed!

Clara got another promotion!

Niko spends most of his time practicing his writing. Annoyingly, he only works 4 days a week, so he’s got lots of time on his hands

Little Chris aged up! Look at how CUTE he is! *squee*

We expanded again. lol I remember doing this in my ISBI and then getting sick of expanding and moving out

I’m going to try not to do that in this challenge

Chris doesn’t look too happy to be going to bed on an empty stomach…

And I don’t blame you kiddo

Then 8am Sunday came around and it was time to end this round of our name game. We’ll see you next time!